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  • Updated for December 2024
  • Based on 2024 IN commercial driver's license manual

Free IN CDL Tanker Vehicles Practice Test 2024

The Tank Vehicles (N) endorsement, once obtained on your Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), allows you to operate vehicles transporting liquids or gases in tanks whose individual capacity is larger than 119 gallons and whose aggregate capacity is at least 1,000 gallons. This endorsement opens up many doors in your commercial driving career, especially in Indiana, where the agricultural industry has a high demand for drivers qualified to transport liquid fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides to farms. However, you’ll also need a HazMat (H) endorsement to transport toxic materials.

Before starting each trip, you must perform a pre-trip inspection of your tanker truck. This inspection consists of several steps, and it ensures that everything is in order and that your vehicle does not pose a risk to other traffic participants. The pre-trip inspection, along with various aspects of the Tank Vehicles endorsement, is discussed in the official 2024 CDL manual (Indiana CDL Handbook 2024). Beginners are initially introduced to this valuable resource since the questions on the official knowledge test are based on this manual. While you take notes and tackle each topic one by one, we offer you an effective solution to test your knowledge.

Consisting of 20 questions, our Indiana CDL Tank Vehicles Endorsement practice tests closely reflect the official written exam, allowing you to familiarize yourself with its content and format. With unlimited attempts, you can train as often as you want, being limited only by your own schedule. To maximize your potential, we recommend training on these practice tests for several weeks. During this time, you’ll notice how your score gradually increases as you develop a better understanding of this subject.

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  • Perfect for first-time and renewal CDL/CLP applicants, and those adding endorsements

What you need to know

6 min to complete
Available in EN and ES
Verified by Steven Litvintchouk, M.S., Chief Educational Researcher, Member of ACES. See our detailed commitment to accuracy and quality in our practice tests.

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List of questions (classic view)

  1. Side-to-side surge can cause
  2. How does liquid surge affect the handling of a tanker?
  3. Hauling liquids in tankers requires special care for which of the following reasons?
  4. How would you expect a truck with a cargo tank that has baffles to handle on the road?
  5. A smooth bore tank is also known as
  6. Empty trucks
  7. A tank endorsement is required for certain vehicles that transport
  8. The best way to take a curve in a tanker is to slow to a safe speed before entering the curve and then _________ as you go through it.
  9. The liquid in a tank with baffles can still have what kind of surge?
  10. You should be very cautious when driving smooth bore tankers, especially when you are
  11. You should know the outage needed for the liquids you carry because
  12. When you load the small tanks of a cargo tank equipped with bulkheads, you should check the
  13. A baffled tanker is one with
  14. You are driving on a clear night. You must dim your headlights from high to low. You should adjust your speed so you can stop within
  15. When your cargo tank has baffles, what handling effect do you expect?
  16. The movement of the liquid in partially filled tanks is called
  17. When should the driver of a tanker that has lost its brakes use a truck escape ramp?
  18. You are driving a tanker truck. The front wheels begin to skid. Which of these is most likely to occur?
  19. An emergency forces you to stop your tanker quickly or crash. You should
  20. Which of these statements about tankers are true?
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